GP Pro™ SofPull® Mechanical Recycled Roll Towel - 7.87" x 1000'

GP Pro™ SofPull® Mechanical Recycled Roll Towel - 7.87" x 1000'

Item # GP-26480-CS

  • Embossed 1-ply brown hardwound roll towels offer softness and absorbency. These towels are designed for use in the SofPull[TM] Mechanical hardwound roll towel dispenser.
  • Green Seal[R] certified
  • Use with: 59316, 59489, 59499
7.87" x 1000', Brown, 6/cs
Alternate #26480

Designed with a plugged core to work with the SofPull® Mechanical Touchless Towel Dispenser. Contains at least 50% Post-Consumer Recycled Fiber. Meets or Exceeds EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines. USDA Certified Biobased product.